Scale Modeling

Aug 19, 2020
San Antonio, TX
It's been 24 years since I seriously built and competed in Scale Modeling. My last foray into it was the internationals in Chicago, 2021. Had some good models built but got smoked...which is OK because it's the 'fun' of it. But I got to a point to where I was to competitive...and divorce, retirement from the Marines, career change, blah blah. So I finally decided to get back into it.

I WHOLE LOT has changed. And damn, my eyes! :) Photoetched ladders in 1/700th scale...holy shit. Acrylic paints versus, I miss my lacquer paints!

But it is so damn relaxing! I truly miss it. My first attempt is the ship I was stationed on as part of the Marine Detachment, the USS Long Beach CGN-9. She has been decommissioned and it being scrapped. Some of the best years of my life.

Well, here she is...still a long ways to go. But its a start. Plus I had to build a paint booth so that no odors would exit. This is where Pot growers succeed! :)

Dragon Models kit, with some after market 3d crap and some photoetch and lots of scratch building. Still a ways to go but getting there. Anyone else attempt this madness? :)