Scared of heights?

That guy is nuts. Even if he wore a harness that could be dangerous alone. The amount of sway that must have bothers me..
I spent three years building a NFL stadium and got to work on the top of the scoreboards and inside a sign hanging over the stadium. After 70 feet I start to get a bit uncomfortable on a lift.
The following video was floating around for a while of a lineman on a high tension wire with a bike. Midway through the video he encounters a broken strand and has to unhook the bike to get around it. Balls of steel. If I recall it wasn't a live line, but a new install and he was adding devices so aircraft/birds see the wire.

Climbed 3 different airport beacon towers about 3 times each in Nor CA to replace rotating beacon lamps, tell tale lamps and 1 motor. They were about 75 feet tall, that was enough for me.

Talk about making a guy pucker...and I don't mean my lips, either. :lmao: