Scrap yard install

Robert hocevar

Getting comfortable
Dec 6, 2016
Got a few things going at the scrap yard i am doing a large install at. Got the rack and some cameras fired up. The rack is not finished and yes the cables will all be cleaned up. Just getting things installed and tested at this point. Ill be here 3 more weeks and ill post some more pics if anyone is interested20220217_063321.jpg20220219_125609.jpg20220219_125609.jpg20220219_125559.jpg20220219_122052.jpg20220219_121953.jpg20220219_122011.jpg20220217_063321.jpg20220219_125609.jpg20220219_125559.jpg20220219_122052.jpg20220219_121953.jpg20220219_122011.jpg20220217_063321.jpg20220219_125609.jpg20220219_125559.jpg20220219_122052.jpg20220219_121953.jpg20220219_122011.jpg20220217_063321.jpg20220219_125609.jpg20220219_122052.jpg20220217_063321.jpg
That was handled by the Department of Redundant Redundancy.