Seagate gate

Last year I bought a "new" 4TB WD Purple from a vendor on Newegg. As it turns out, it was not used but it sure as heck was not "new" and did not have a 3 year warranty.
As it turns out it was made in 2016 and the warranty expired in 2019. TechnoDeals said "oh, but it's warranted for a year by us" and I told them "So I'm supposed to trust you now?"Yeah, right.

Photos below. Newegg accepted the return on behalf of TechnoDeals. I now am wary of such retailers but what do you do when they outright lie?

WD Purple HDD TechnoDealsUSA_061524_productpage.jpg

WD Purple HDD TechnoDealsUSA_061524_HDD_med.jpg

WD Purple HDD TechnoDealsUSA_061524_warranty.jpg
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Common problem. There are OEM and third party tools that can reset all the SMART information and even reset the serial number.

You think you found a good deal on a "new" drive from some unscrupulous seller only to find out they are selling used drives as "new".

If it's sounds too good to be true, it probably is.