Searched and searched but cant find answers..


Feb 11, 2018
Hello all I setup my first nvr with 3 cams so far and all is working fine but 2 have older 2014 firmware and cant find newest much less the model numbers online.. First is a brown box international? IPC-hfw4300en and 2nd is a IPC-hdbw1000en my 3rd is the newest model I have DH-IPC-hdbw11a0en and has a 9-14-2016 FW. Should I even worry about updating these? I have changed all default passwords of nvr and cams and made sure no UPNP is enabled including my router.

Another question I have is my nvr assigns all the cams 10.1.1.xx ip's thru the builtin switch. All cams are using default port 3777 to nvr but I have changed nvr tcp and udp ports to 10xxx. Is this fine? Thanks for any feedback.
Unless you can find the firmware on Dahua's site or you can get from your original supplier, I wouldn't risk it. Got a smile about the brown box bit because that would have to be easiest thing to copy.

UPnP disabling is good a good first step as is changing the default ports and passwords. However, if you go back to the the parent directory of the Dahua forum, I believe their is a sticky written by Nayr about using VPNs and other security best practices.
Unless you can find the firmware on Dahua's site or you can get from your original supplier, I wouldn't risk it. Got a smile about the brown box bit because that would have to be easiest thing to copy.

UPnP disabling is good a good first step as is changing the default ports and passwords. However, if you go back to the the parent directory of the Dahua forum, I believe their is a sticky written by Nayr about using VPNs and other security best practices.
Thanks for the quick reply, Yea the brown box cam I found a fw but was dated 6/xx/2016 and it had already 9/2016 which is strange..Unfortunately the router I bought several months back TpLink c2600 doesnt have OpenVpn so I tried installing a form of wwDrt (LeDe) and bricked it and had to telnet to pc to restore. My plan is to get another router with openvpn at some point. Are my other 2 models international or what?
The best way to determine if they are international is to search for them on Dahua's site.

If you can work your way through getting your cameras working on your current gear, may I suggest that you look into Mikrotik network gear. As per CCTV there is a learning curve but you will not find better bang for buck. It is not designed to be consumer friendly plug and play.