Having seen tens of thousands of live videos I’m not going to say it’s fake / staged. If anyone has taken the time to watch the video about the snow removal killing.
Which resulted in two people getting killed and the shooter blowing his own head off. In that specific video you see many things which seem quit improbable but did happen.
You literally see a the shooter fire no less than four rounds at the man at close range yet missed?!? He than shot the woman point blank and she continued to move around. He later appears to have shot her in the head point blank yet she is still alive rolling around.
The same shooter when out of bullets calmly went back in and came back with a long rifle and finished the task at hand.
Then went back inside and then blew his brains out. All of this in a average white collar neighbourhood in broad daylight!
Having grown up in Washington Heights, Harlem, South Bronx in NYC. What that black guy did is pretty counter to what normally would have happen. He would have been shot in the face and left there.
Or shot and taken inside and ripped apart than left naked on the street with a tag.
Anyone who has traveled outside of North America can affirm things in Africa, Middle East happen on an order of billions times more incredible and unbelievable.
People are literally just walking down the road minding their own business and people for no apparent reason start to rape, torture, and cut off limbs.
So no, I don’t see this guy telling another guy to come back as over the top!