Security cam & 2nd amendment vs. porch pirate

Saw this on YouTube:
AR-15 wouldn't have been my first choice as deployed here but definitely got the point across (was probably propped behind the door).
  • FMK 9mm by the bed, when in woods or walking the dogs.
  • Remington .380 everyday CC.
  • Henry .22LR with laser & light in front foyer closet for 'dillos in front foyer closet.
  • Core AR-15 (5.56/.223) under bed, S&W M&P 15-22 (.22LR) in BR closet.
Hey, its not exactly Fort Knox but I can make some noise......

EDIT: Line 3 re: the Henry .22, as the 'dillos are NOT in the closet! :lol:
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I like how the car takes off and leaves him there. Was hoping he would fall running through the snow. Homeowner was smart. never raised the barrel towards the perp. Just chambered a round for effect.
I would guess it was staged for views just b/c many wouldn't keep one at the front door. Also, I would expect a perp being confronted would simply drop the package and run. Way too calm to walk back to someone holding a gun on them. Still good video if it makes even one person reconsider what could happen.

As for the discussion of calibers. I remember a movie once where someone was facing several (many? 10???) guys and they said something like "you only have 4 bullets" to which the person replied "ok, who wants them?" and no one engaged. I can't remember the movie name. The point is, anything is better than nothing. I used to carry a 22magnum and my friends would say "that isn't going to stop anyone". I just said it'll likely make them think twice and most won't even continue when they hear ANY gun popping off and hitting them.
FWIW, edited my post #5 above, as the 'dillos are NOT in the closet! :lol:
That looked very poor and risky for several reasons:

1. He made the guy bring it back and place it at his feet. The guy was within easy reach of grabbing him, stabbing him or grabbing the gun putting his life at risk. Anyone with any sense would have made him put it down around 10 feet away.

2. The gun was not in a low ready but low position.

3. The perp had his hands in his pockets. I'd have like his hands out to the side after putting the parcel down and for him to walk off keeping his hands there

4. The homeowner turned his back on the perp before he's fully gone out of sight. Even then he's vulnerable standing on the porch in open sight.

In several points above if the perp had a gun in his hoodie pocket he could have got the drop on the householder and shot him either before he'd got time to react or in the back.

Very very poor demonstration of defence in my opinion and may have been staged for youtube view. Parcel looked not properly sealed and sounded full of broken rubbish.

As for a caibre discussion, I think the case of Harold Fish threw the cat amongst the pigeons for excess force in the US. Yes it was eventually overturned, but it still raises some questions as to whether a heavier calibre might be found excessive. Not forgoing that, and not forging the fact I live in a country where handguns are prohibted and all guns are prohibited for self defence, if I lived in the land of the free my choice would be 10mm or 7.6FK for a handgun (probably an FN PSD therefore) and .458 socom or .50 Beowolf in an AR platform. Those choices may surpise a few, but 9mm is notoriously underpowered despite it's use by law enforcement. 10mm has better stopping power for not too much more recoil and whilst the jury is still out on 7.6FK, it defeats body armour and appears to have greater terminal effects than 10mm without a recoil penalty. The AR calibres, simply because both rounds were designed to stop in a single shot. Socom association being self explanatory. Yep they're only good to a few hundred, but then again in a typical home defence situation, who needs 400 yds+ from a more longer range calibre. Most enagagements will be at a few yards and most streets are only a few tens of yards long if a longer engagement should occur. Safest weapon still 911 unless you're forced to defend yourself.
Safest weapon still 911 unless you're forced to defend yourself.
Unless also one lives in a very rural area where it can be over 30 minutes for LEO to arrive; on most nights and weekends our county's solitary, on-duty LEO can be on the other side of the county...his arrival possibly a day late and a dollar short.

My wife had a heart attack Feb. of 2017 and it took that long for the ambulance to arrive, then it was 45 minutes to the hospital.....but she made it.

Bottom line? IMO, many dynamics and variables at play here, so YMMV...:blankstare:
Having seen tens of thousands of live videos I’m not going to say it’s fake / staged. If anyone has taken the time to watch the video about the snow removal killing.

Which resulted in two people getting killed and the shooter blowing his own head off. In that specific video you see many things which seem quit improbable but did happen.

You literally see a the shooter fire no less than four rounds at the man at close range yet missed?!? He than shot the woman point blank and she continued to move around. He later appears to have shot her in the head point blank yet she is still alive rolling around.

The same shooter when out of bullets calmly went back in and came back with a long rifle and finished the task at hand.

Then went back inside and then blew his brains out. All of this in a average white collar neighbourhood in broad daylight!

Having grown up in Washington Heights, Harlem, South Bronx in NYC. What that black guy did is pretty counter to what normally would have happen. He would have been shot in the face and left there.

Or shot and taken inside and ripped apart than left naked on the street with a tag.

Anyone who has traveled outside of North America can affirm things in Africa, Middle East happen on an order of billions times more incredible and unbelievable.

People are literally just walking down the road minding their own business and people for no apparent reason start to rape, torture, and cut off limbs.

So no, I don’t see this guy telling another guy to come back as over the top!
Way too many folks purchase guns and never take a firearms course, or a force on force class. Have never shot under the stress of an IDPA match.
They never take the time to understand their local laws. They never think through different scenario's to at least get an idea of how they would handle a situation.
They "may" shoot it once a year, maybe. They have no idea how to properly act in any given confrontational situation. Just watch Active Self Protection.

You know, like the lady that shot at a shop lifter as he was running away from a Home Depot? :banghead:

@bigredfish Remington, HMK? What? I thought you were a Sig fan boy? They will take your fan club membership away! ;)
LOL... Thats my EDC P320C.. still a Sig fanboy ;)