As a result of investigating my current and past logfiles, I'm noticing a not insignificant number of AI 'timeout' events when my "camera pairs" are triggered at almost the same time.
Specifically, my pair of driveway cameras (DW1/DW2), and my pair of front entry and front door cameras (FE/FD).
This goes back for months; I don't know how I never noticed it until now (!?#$@).
I'm beginning to wonder if my PNY NVIDIA Quadro P400 V2 card is sometimes balking when receiving near simultaneous events.
I'm not sure yet how to test / investigate this. Any ideas?
Specifically, my pair of driveway cameras (DW1/DW2), and my pair of front entry and front door cameras (FE/FD).
This goes back for months; I don't know how I never noticed it until now (!?#$@).
I'm beginning to wonder if my PNY NVIDIA Quadro P400 V2 card is sometimes balking when receiving near simultaneous events.
I'm not sure yet how to test / investigate this. Any ideas?