Sentry Updates / Changes / Price Increase?

mike james

Young grasshopper
Mar 26, 2018
Received this reply from support. Some of this is pretty vague, but talks of price increase, commercial versions, and no planned updates for the BI home versions? I was really hoping they would expand on features for the home version. No info is available on commercial version without a conference call.

Regard to update on features:
  • The current plan for Blue Iris Home use includes person detection only and will maintain that way.
  • New features including Vehicle Monitoring, LPR, Facial recognition and more are available for
Blue Iris commercial users at enterprise price plan, please let me know if you are interested in
trying those features, I can set up a meeting to walk you through the features and share more
details on the price.

Sentry Team.

Sentry AI is excited to launch Person recognition & behavior (loitering etc.), Vehicle detection & identification
software for security cameras next month. Meanwhile, hurry up and lock in the current prices before we revise them
for new customers starting May 1st, 2020.
Sentry has be MIA from this forum and their own website and twitter feed. They dont seem to care. It works pretty well, but hopefully will soon be replaced by something better and local. There was an indication that the BI developer will integrate deepstack ai or you can try it yourself - see the treads. Looks of good work going on by folks here.
Sentry has be MIA from this forum and their own website and twitter feed. They dont seem to care. It works pretty well, but hopefully will soon be replaced by something better and local. There was an indication that the BI developer will integrate deepstack ai or you can try it yourself - see the treads. Looks of good work going on by folks here.
It did take them almost 2 months to reply to my ticket on the site, so guess they are focused on the big buck corporate version.
Sentry has be MIA from this forum and their own website and twitter feed. They dont seem to care. It works pretty well, but hopefully will soon be replaced by something better and local. There was an indication that the BI developer will integrate deepstack ai or you can try it yourself - see the treads. Looks of good work going on by folks here.
I'm using AI Tool with Deepstack ai as the backend and it's working very well. About 2 months ago, Ken told me that he was considering adding ai to BI. I told him that I would really be supportive of that and willing to pay extra for that functionality.
It did take them almost 2 months to reply to my ticket

Well that's concerning, I have just signed up and whilst the human detection has been spot on I don't get the daily email and the web portal is completely broken for me, have to flick between pet detection and vehicle detection to show any images, plus those sub categories don't work either. I've logged a ticket but heard nothing so far.
I have been using Sentry AI for a while, It does filter down some alerts for me the experience is like 50/50 there are many times when Clearly Humans are in place but sentry AI fails to recognize them. I probably will try Deep Stack AI soon and see how that is I have read lot of post on this forum about it and even Ken was talking a bit about it in on one of webinars. It seems pretty promising.

Recently I have also noticed that in Alerts only Sentry AI are coming and not what is configured in BI. I did check with BI support team I think BI support said there was a design change and that is why it is how it is showing now...

For me only thing is my Sentry are not 100% or even 70% so I do still think BI motion alerts are way better it just takes now a bit more switching around in tabs to go thru alerts..

Hopefully Deep Stack AI will be more accurate At least it seems that way by reading peoples result who have it up and running. Anyhow This forum has been so great with all these wonderful people always creating stuff like this So thank you.