Yeah "mortally wounded" and "pronounced dead at the scene".
My question, were these the guys own cameras, or is he firing from someone else's yard that just happens to have IP cameras? Shows pretty much how things went down, although this is a prime example of how there were more cameras needed for better coverage, as there were some holes where he went off camera and didn't pop back up again (no overlap). Maybe this is just the footage the investigators pieced together who knows.
He died after taking two rounds to chest. He did live long enough to fire numerous rounds off from his AR-15 after being shot. No motive was ever established. He did shoot and kill a neighbor thinking it was a police officer when you saw him go around the corner of the house with the shot gun. the neighbor had gone outside to check out what was going on with all the noise, duh stay in the house and take cover. It's not like an AR-15 is quiet when firing. it is very loud. I believe it was his property he was shooting from.
I don't know, looney. I always thought of Evansville as a nice town. I hope it was far from where you live, at least. Guess lunacy is metastasizing even to nice towns.
Yeah, the IPC says "Dahua" in code. Interesting that whoever owns the cameras never bothered to remove that when configuring things.
I thought that is what you meant, but I have purchased a few cheap Chinese cams to mess with and they say this on them also in the overlay. That's why I was wondering.
I don't know, looney. I always thought of Evansville as a nice town. I hope it was far from where you live, at least. Guess lunacy is metastasizing even to nice towns.
Yeah, the IPC says "Dahua" in code. Interesting that whoever owns the cameras never bothered to remove that when configuring things.
It is a relatively safe town, this was a rare event in this town. They do have shootings from time to time in neighborhoods that have always had issues. Drugs and it's problems have seen an increase the past few years. Meth is a biggy.
It occurred 4-5 miles from me. I'm actually out in the burbs of Evansville.
I believe this is why someone is sometimes shot when the police say show your hands and the suspect starts reaching for his cellphone (for example). Being shot twice in the chest with a high powered rifle doesn't mean instant immobility.
The officer's patrol rifle was likely an AR-15 as well.
It's got to be incredibly difficult for the police to figure out exactly what is going on in a situation like this, especially at night. It's unfortunate that the neighbor was killed, but sort of amazing that none of the officers or other people were hit with all of the shooting he was doing.