I have a shooting range with a camera on every single lane. When looking at live feeds, everything looks just fine, but when we review video clips sometimes a lot of the action is skipped. For instance we have had a few guys have a negligent discharge (gun fires by "accident") and this is exactly the type of footage we need to view. However, often times we record the before and after, but the action in the middle where the gun went off is missing. I'm sure it has something to do with my recording settings but I don't know where to look so I would appreciate any advice. Right now I have every camera setup to record on motion and I believe it is mostly the default settings.
When someone is shooting, often they hold very still and when they fire there is a little recoil and some smoke, and often they go right back into the same position, aim and fire again. I have a feeling the issue is with my motion sensor and/or object detection settings. What do you think?
When someone is shooting, often they hold very still and when they fire there is a little recoil and some smoke, and often they go right back into the same position, aim and fire again. I have a feeling the issue is with my motion sensor and/or object detection settings. What do you think?