Small camera display project, looking for ideas/advice

I'm using the allcams.htm for the clean look (since my screen is so small), and no need to look at clips from the display. It's running on Internet Explorer. I can definitely duplicate the issue by restarting BI. If you need me to test anything or try anything different, I'd be happy to. I really appreciate the tools you've given everyone.

I used to use the java viewer on my PC and that was my absolute favorite viewer but didn't realize it was causing CPU spikes on the server (until I learned, I misunderstood the CPU warnings in the instructions to be on the client machine, not the BI Server). But I may try it out again since it'll be running on such a small display - way less CPU drain on the server if the java viewer is being run on a smaller display if I'm understanding that correctly.

I've tried BI Companion and agree with your assessment of it. It was quite disappointing, and the UI needed a ton of cleaning up (graphics, wasted space), but kudos to them for making a windows app at all. Maybe it'll improve.
To be honest, you don't need any of that stuff... Run even leaner than any of this stuff BP is offering or anyone else. It's not that hard:

New HTML page -- stick it right in the BI www folder or if you have another web server in the house somewhere it can work there too.


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60" > <title>New Page 1</title>

<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

<p><img border="0" src="http://[BLUE IRIS SERVER]/mjpg/[GROUP NAME]?&user=[USER]&pw=[PASSWORD]" width="100%" height="100%"></p>




Create a startup script if you want, but really this should be all you need.
I'm using the allcams.htm for the clean look (since my screen is so small), and no need to look at clips from the display. It's running on Internet Explorer. I can definitely duplicate the issue by restarting BI. If you need me to test anything or try anything different, I'd be happy to. I really appreciate the tools you've given everyone.

Ah, yes, all the older pages, including allcams.htm, are fairly primitive. They contain no session recovery logic. With UI2 you can just drag the left clips bar closed and have the same effect as allcams, except it will also be only requesting images at your screen's resolution while I believe allcams is old enough I still had it pulling full resolution regardless.

I used to use the java viewer on my PC and that was my absolute favorite viewer but didn't realize it was causing CPU spikes on the server (until I learned, I misunderstood the CPU warnings in the instructions to be on the client machine, not the BI Server). But I may try it out again since it'll be running on such a small display - way less CPU drain on the server if the java viewer is being run on a smaller display if I'm understanding that correctly.

It is practically the same load on BI, actually, but it will demand less CPU on the client machine if the resolutions are smaller. The only way to reduce BI CPU load with this is to increase the delay between jpeg requests.

To be honest, you don't need any of that stuff... Run even leaner than any of this stuff BP is offering or anyone else. It's not that hard:

New HTML page -- stick it right in the BI www folder or if you have another web server in the house somewhere it can work there too.


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60" > <title>New Page 1</title>

<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

<p><img border="0" src="http://[BLUE IRIS SERVER]/mjpg/[GROUP NAME]?&user=[USER]&pw=[PASSWORD]" width="100%" height="100%"></p>




Create a startup script if you want, but really this should be all you need.

Absolutely, that would be adequate unless you want touchscreen controls to view individual cameras. However I would suggest something a little more like this (warning: the below html is untested. lol)

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60" > <title>New Page 1</title>
<body style="margin:0px;background-color:black;">
<img src="http://[BLUE IRIS SERVER]/mjpg/[GROUP NAME]?&user=[USER]&pw=[PASSWORD]" style="max-width:100%;max-height:100%;" />
The only thing I forgot would be a quick CSS script (Because I'm lazy like that) to remove the scroll if it appears. I may have done that to mine. Either way, it survives nuclear fallout based on how simple the code is. I do have it iFramed and set up with smart control buttons to open the garage, check temps, control other lights, etc from the tablet as well... But for starters the full screen will get ya started :)

Thanks guys, tried gmaster1's code and bp's - neither work in explorer but they worked in firefox on one of the PCs in the house. I will test on the tablet asap, traveling, so it might be Thursday before I have a chance to get back at it unless I get some time to try remotely. FUN!
The refresh code added to the page kept this tablet going as a display all week while I was out of town. I remoted into the tablet a few times and I was pumped to see it still working.

Still hoping there's a way to fill up the screen with feeds and no margins but I've found it's not possible unless I put 4 cams in the feed - then there are no margins. I want as few feeds as possible as this is a small screen; need great views of fewer cams vs. more feeds I have to squint to see.

Is there any possible way to accomplish this with two feeds at 1080p?



  • tablet_space2.PNG
    16.7 KB · Views: 8
no.. you need to maintain the original aspect ratio's, which means it will only take square values..

this is why I have a 21inch 1080p monitor displaying my feeds and not some crappy ass tiny little tablet.. a simple monitor is not only cheaper and easier to mount to the wall, they come with better anti-glare, wider viewing angles (IPS), and can handle all the streams I want without dropping a single frame.. completely smooth and as close to realtime as your gonna get.
LOL, naysayr is condescending AF. The tablet isn't the problem - it's a limitation of the viewers available. Same margins show on my large monitors I use for work. If I wanted a 21" computer monitor I'd buy one but that'd be tacky in the location I want it in. If you focused your attention on the problem, maybe you could code me a page instead of making me feel bad for having a free tablet that works great. I expect you'll help me out.