Looking for some cheaper suggestions for inside the shed and garage. I have good wifi coverage out there, so that's not a concern.
I'm running a old wyze for now, but looking for a little higher resolution. 2k / 4mp or so. I don't want to go full fledged POE for this. Just something small and unobtrusive.
I was looking at the TPLink Tapo's (lolipop style). They seem to have a good field of view for a smaller building, and the price is right. But wanted to see what the folks here thought.
I'm running a old wyze for now, but looking for a little higher resolution. 2k / 4mp or so. I don't want to go full fledged POE for this. Just something small and unobtrusive.
I was looking at the TPLink Tapo's (lolipop style). They seem to have a good field of view for a smaller building, and the price is right. But wanted to see what the folks here thought.