Smart PSS vs Direct Connect to NVR


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2018
I made a few changes on my NVR directly in particular the setting on the Region for Motion Detection. The part where you un-highlight areas you do not want your camera to register motion. Well I applied those changes on the NVR.

Then when I go over to Smart PSS to see if those changes have helped, those changes are not propagating over. Can someone help me here?
I don't have an answer for that question, but I wanted to suggest that if you're truly talking about "Motion Detection" that you don't spend too much time with that feature and instead look at the IVS features, which are essentially smarter motion detection.

For most folks, IVS turns out to be much more reliable, because once Motion Detection is tuned to avoid as many false positives as possible, it almost always starts missing true motion that you wanted it to record.

IVS Tripwires and Intrusion Zones usually do a lot less false positives while not missing a lot of true motion.
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@aristobrat that's great information. I have been playing with the Motion Detection and I have it recording on motion 24/7 on top of a 24/7 continuous record. That helps when I do open up the NVR playback I can see areas that I immediately want to look at, but it is not very ideal. While I was messing around with the Motion Detection I did stumble onto the IVS Tripwires and Intrusion Zones. Those look very appealing.

The way I was initially thinking about implementing them was to keep the 24/7 recording. Then under that have an IVS recording schedule. I suppose you do not want to have your IVS recording 24/7, and you would typically want it during sleeping hours and other prime times for break-ins? Any advice or articles setting up the IVS recording is greatly appreciated.
Before I switched to Blue Iris, I had my cameras record continuously as well as record IVS on a 24/7 schedule. The end result was like how you described your Motion Detection: "when I do open up the NVR playback I can see areas that I immediately want to look at".

I don't remember a lot of the details anymore, though -- sorry! There were some big NVR threads on here a year or so ago where IVS was discussed a lot, you might find some good info in those.

The one detail that did stick with me is that in the camera settings, there's a section called "SmartPlan". You do need to go into that section and choose "IVS".