SmartPSS version with windows 10/64


Pulling my weight
Dec 27, 2016
I was going to check out Dahua's SmartPSS software, as it is mentioned here a bit. I see that i have two obvious options of versions to chose from. Choosing the "latest" is not so obvious. Thoughts? If i had to take a SWAG, i will probably pick the older 2.00 version.

1. the jan 23 2017 relese of ver 1.16
2. the Nov 25 2016 release of ver 2.00
2.0 got a complete revamp and and new look, I think right now both are receiving maintenance until 2.0 is as feature complete as the previous version..

its common for alot of software to maintain the last 2 major revisions because many companies have policies about major version updates require additional scrutiny and might wait for it to become more mature.. also when you change how things look then users need to be retrained and that takes time.

there are a few things still missing or not quite working right on 2.0, for example 2nd sub-streams are not accessable.. but I been running a really old version of 1.14 on Mac before 2.0 came out and there's alot more that 2.x supports that 1.4 didnt (h265/SmartCodec/IVS)

Run 2.x unless you have a reason to stay on 1.x
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I am using 2.0 now and it is working awesome at least for what I know, IVS was pretty simple, and getting everything was even easier
I also use Version 2.0 on Windows 8.1 64 bit. I like the look, most parts are working (for what i need is only basics and configuring). I don´t use monitor wall or people counting p.e. But i testesd V1.x only a few hours.

These points i found out are not so fine working:
- IVS Roules are every time visible, although i disabled them, but it´s not been saved in the provile
- configuring external p2p devices is extremely slow, mostly i see timeouts (but it´s possible and it´s for a technican a useful tool)
- sometimes i loose connection to sub streams, when doule clicking and single click to close

Why using Smart PSS:
- when using multi monitor setup, it´s the only way to get the full screen on the second monitor (all plugins incl. recorder opens the fullscren view on main monitor, no joke!)
- When starting it restores last view, very nice
- recording playback from every source (NAS, SD, local, NVR)
- using sub stream switches to first stream full screen on double click, nice function

It runs almost stable. Better than my recorder plugin, which crashes often when using playback.
What i miss is complete cam configuring, using it as a video server (like an NVR)
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CPU load seems better with 2.0, im sitting @ ~60% of a single cpu (5% system) with 5 substreams and 1 main stream.

If I setup the Safrai browser to the same view with 5 substreams and 1 main stream, the npmedia plugin is using ~100-130% of a single core

If your on a laptop or a battery powered device you'll be very wise to favor SmartPSS over WebUI, it'll give you much better runtime when your not plugged in.. mebe 2x as much runtime.
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Now there seems to be again new version of SmartPSS:

And no older version available to download on Dahua website.

I had 2.001 170225 installed and updated to version above. I chose English as language but after installation it was Spanish! Could not remember my admin password because earlier version had forced me to
create complicated password in a hurry..

Lucky I had done a backup of my devices just couple of weeks ago, so uninstalled the whole thing and then installed newest version. This time the language was right (english). Imported the devices but the new version was able to connect
only half of them (I have ~50 devices in my list). Also the layout seems lot simpler than 2.00.1 version, also font is bigger. Like Dublo-legos compared to normal :)

Well, I could do what I was intented to. Somehow 2.00.1 crashed when I tried to adjust snapshot frequency of one P2P-connected HFW5231Z camera. 2.02.0 worked fine.

Although I cannot understand why adjusting camera settings is so slow via SmartPSS, shouldn't it exchange just simple numerical information?

Anyway I didn't like the new version so uninstalled and switched back to 2.00.1. After importing the same devices.xml file it could connect all devices.
Why using Smart PSS:
- when using multi monitor setup, it´s the only way to get the full screen on the second monitor (all plugins incl. recorder opens the fullscren view on main monitor, no joke!)
- When starting it restores last view, very nice
- recording playback from every source (NAS, SD, local, NVR)
- using sub stream switches to first stream full screen on double click, nice function

The previous V2.001 did this which was nice, and double clicking again sent it back to sub-stream. Not so with the new 2.02 version unfortunately...:angry:

Bigredfish, oh, also that. Sound not so good. I sell + install Dahua cameras and it is hard to instruct people to install SmartPSS if every 0.1 version is so different. Also now I am a bit worried what happens when they download
newest version and it cannot connect the device anymore.
I reverted back to 2.00.1 and all is fine again.

My own fault, I broke my own rule that says never upgrade any software or firmware until 6 months have passed ;)
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Ha! No problem man, gotta take one for the team every now and then :D
I'm only using it as a viewer/monitor not as a VMS so not sure if this is helpful or not, but with 16 cameras being monitored live on substream at about 512kbps each, on my HP laptop Intel Core-i5 5200U 2.2Ghz, 64bit with 6GB of RAM, I'm running 10% CPU.

When I crank them all up to main stream, 2MP at 6144 bitrate and 30FPS, it spikes to 75% CPU

Its handy as I can monitor all cams from 3 different NVR's easily
i just install smartpss and when wanted to start program it keep saying that i need to check admin password ive tried admin admin ,what is the password
i just install smartpss and when wanted to start program it keep saying that i need to check admin password ive tried admin admin ,what is the password

Strange, when i installed it i got to choose the password. SmartNVR is admin/admin until you change it i think. SmartPSS asked for new pass, atleast for me but might differ version to version. One solution is to reinstall..
thx myllerman i will try to delete it and reinstall it again .im 130km from home and would like to do it today
It asked me for the old install password when I upgraded to the new version (which sucks IMHO) and thankfully Mrs bigredfish had written it down :)
i reinstal to 1.6 version i think all good now passw ..admin admin ..bu when i follow instruction on dahua wiki page for ivs there is no ivs config ? on this versionIMG_20180117_152754.jpg