i am trying to retrieve the snapshot using the REST API call:It was added to an update after substreams where introduced:
From the help file.
5.3.3 - October 1, 2020
When using dual-streaming, JPEG images will be created from the main-stream instead of
the sub-stream where possible. Rather than fully spooling up main-stream decoding, the
software uses the direct-to-disc pre-trigger frames buffer to synthesize these images. This
means you should specify at least enough pre-trigger time on the Record tab to span the
key-frame interval for your main-stream.
And yes, the issue of the clone camera without the substreams then makes it not a clone and motion detection will be made from the mainstream then and then you are pulling two video streams and actually using more CPU.
Still getting the substream version of the snapshot. Any ideas if it is even possible to obtain the highres version?