Snow in Houston

I know I'm only one of many looking for a power generator in Texas after the power outages. I found one at Home Depot 75 miles away and picked it up today. I started out looking at smaller ones that would run my furnace blower motor, ended up with a monster (by my standards) - 8125 startup watts, 6500 running watts, weighs 200 pounds and is not particularly quiet. Some day I may be glad I got the bigger one, who knows.
@gwminor48 As with everything, and especially generators, bigger is better. Just make sure to have enough fuel for it.
I've got a 12/10 electric start. I can run my whole house with it. When I first got it, my UPSs choked on it, simply staying on and so, draining their batteries when it was on. I had a guy over to do some warranty work on my tractor, and for whatever reason (it's been a few years so I can't recall now), the subject of the generator came up. He said he's seen that before with this generator and that he could fix it. He put some test gear on it that he had in his truck, did a VERY quick calibration on it, and viola!, no more unhappy UPSs. As if that weren't enough, he didn't even charge me for doing it. Got to love it that you can get that lucky once in a while, eh?
@Ssayer, about helpful friends - they are wonderful and I hope I am in a position to pay it forward or back some day. My neighbor rigged my furnace so I could disconnect from line power & plug into either his generator or even to one of his outlets across the street with an extension cord. Thankfully the power outages ended before that became necessary but you gotta love neighbors and friends like that!
I posted this in the other thread, but I'll post it here too since we are onto generator talk

Just finished the site survey and signed everything. total cost $22.5K for a 27kw liquid cooled Generac QS, an extra 85ft of electrical above the 20ft they "give you". All permits, and a gas meter upgrade

They will be pouring a 6 inch thick concrete pad, and the generator will be bolted to it. Pretty excited! 18 to 25 week lead time though