SO Time to test

If the videos are working I'll send more. I try not to bug him but, he keeps pushing.
But, not so much as there is a kind of end to the story..
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How loud is that siren Gary? It reminds me of the 90's when everyone and his brother had new Viper etc car alarms installed, and you couldn't make it 50' in a parking lot without hearing one blaring.

I sense there is definitely some deep animosity, but I don't want to see the alarm tactics leading to noise complaints against you. Once that snowball begins rolling, neighbours may jump on his bandwagon.

I know you're a smart man - is there a means to slowly de-escalate this?
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All that comes on now is the light. All we do is watch stupid videos. I no not have to do
a dang thing but laugh as his poor hate does the rest.

When he first moved in, we discovered that things were being messed with in the back yard at night
and found strange foot prints around the garden too. My son bought us a Swann security system.
Riddle solved quickly perp found!
Have you ever enjoyed Thanksgiving turkey cooking @ 6ish AM with the fire department? (I was smoking a turkey
on a Webber kettle). I heard a noise behind me, turned around to 2 guys dressed like firemen asking "where is the fire?" .

I have a back yard with a view to Paradise!

As they say here NVRs change, cameras multiply one never has enough bandwidth or hard drive space.
  • Haha
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Fellas! Whoa!!!! This is ain't Pinkey and The Brain (best Texas drawl)! During the poor man's stay here, he has been through 3 wifes
just after burying another and 1 crack wh0re. Cops have taken his firearms once never to be returned, and a bunch of self
induced ills. Enter what we called the late "The Tv Preacher", a man that will try to become his pal for $$$$$.

Maybe in the next installment of "As The Stomach Turns", I will tell of "The TV Preacher", how after being jaded by a big screen tv, a
40 foot yacht, "see he doesn't have any cameras pointed at you and he has a bunch of money. "Tv Preacher" started making plans to dig into the
  • Wow
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Fellas! Whoa!!!! This is ain't Pinkey and The Brain (best Texas drawl)! During the poor man's stay here, he has been through 3 wifes
just after burying another and 1 crack wh0re. Cops have taken his firearms once never to be returned, and a bunch of self
induced ills. Enter what we called the late "The Tv Preacher", a man that will try to become his pal for $$$$$.

Maybe in the next installment of "As The Stomach Turns", I will tell of "The TV Preacher", how after being jaded by a big screen tv, a
40 foot yacht, "see he doesn't have any cameras pointed at you and he has a bunch of money. "Tv Preacher" started making plans to dig into the

So? That doesn't sound like someone you want to escalate with. Furthermore, it doesn't change the fact that you are turning sirens and lights on when he doesn't enter your property. Shitty neighbors, suck but why escalate? If he's actively coming on to your property sure but I have a hard time believing that you have been the best neighbor either seeing these videos. I know I would throw a shit fit if I had a neighbor turning on sirens because he's annoyed with his neighbor.
Far better to draw the trip wires so it triggers when he's actually on your property. Always the possibility he could have you for harrasment if it triggers every time he goes out on his own property nevermind escalating the issues.
The only thing that comes on now is the light set @ %50. Only had the siren and strobe on for about 2 weeks.
After that it was "Pavlovian" or see the monkeys dance and flash for the camera. Hence, I had to do nothing.

I have a trip line etc. but the bats and that big owl love the LEDs that can't be disabled on those garbage cams.
..... Cops have taken his firearms once never to be returned....
Based on what I've seen and read here regarding your neighbor, all I can say is....just watch your back and remember:

1) You're in Texas so getting another firearm should not be an insurmountable problem for him.
2) It seems both his oars aren't in the water.
3) He could be thinking that HIS neighbor is crazy and he's fed up with him! :cool: