Solar - need some information if possible

Oct 16, 2018
Florida, USA
We’ve been in our Florida home for a couple of months, the dust is settling and we’re pretty much moved in.

Decided to get some solar plus batteries quotes. Wow! The first quote with DEI financing, the type where people with good FICO scores pay more than those with lower scores, was 71k, no batteries.

Cash price was 44k for just solar, no batteries.

I’m asking here if anyone has recently purchased solar; this is another rabbit hole for me!
71k for what ?

here they sell

420Wp panel for around 100EUR
10kw hybrid inverter ~1500EUR
10KWh Batterypack (lifepo4 , LV) ~ 2000-3000EUR

everything direct from china , already in german warehouse

... 12KWp Set with inverter and 10kwh batterypack ~8000EUR + mounts

mount yourself or pay someone (around 2000EUR)

And EU have anti-dumping tax on solar panels. So they must be 30€ or lower in China.
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For any useful feedback you need to state how many kW of panels, how many kWh of battery, kW of inverter, and the battery type.
Why do you want batteries? Most people doing solar are strictly doing it with net metering.

I think solar is a scam myself. I run the solar rats off my front step about once a month. Payoff is usually 10+ years and that’s if you don’t have panel/controller damage in between now and then. Secondly, if you are installing it on your roof, will your insurance company insure them? If a leak develops on your roof because of their mounting system, who pays for that? Insurance or solar company? Third, a lot of these solar companies are fly-by-night. Will they be around in the next few years if you have an issue?
I got solar last year in SoCal. $0.80/kWh peak rated will make anything else a good investment. Now they killed the NEM reimbursement, so batteries are a must in CA if you want to control your electric bills.(for installs since April).
Your overall quote $44k for 17kW seems in the ballpark. I paid $24k for ~8kW (but on the other side of the country, yours might be a little high (each additional panel costs a little less than the last due to spreading the permitting/crew costs).
Get more quotes, ask locals what they paid. Only go for batteries if you feel you need the backup, battery costs will drop (a lot quicker than solar) in the near future.
I sell/install solar in CA, I sell Enphase only between $1100 per panel comp roof and $1250 per panel tile roof, includes plans permits parts labor NEM everything. I stay away from battery installs for now as most don't make the ROI fast enough. your price appears on par and the equipment is the Best available. Just make sure they install the iq8m as quoted, some installers use the lower iq8plus.
Yes, that helps! I consider this a large system, it's double what we have. Sounds like you use close to double the electricity we do, as our 8 kW system supplies 90% of our annual consumption. We're in central Oregon and heat mostly with propane and probably run the air conditioner a whole lot less than you do. I don't know if that $44k no battery quote is before any tax credits or other incentives are applied. If it's before incentives, it compares very favorably with what my cost was, but since my system is 10 years old, it's pretty much an apples-to-oranges comparison. Over those years, the cost of the panels has gone down a lot, and I assume the labor has gone up a lot. I actually have 2 separate systems. The one I'm using for comparison is 4 kW with Enphase microinverters. Its pre-incentive cost 10 years ago was $21k, so scaling that up to your 18 kW system would make the comparative cost about $94.5k, but as I said, somewhat apples-to-oranges.

My other 4 kW system has a battery. It naturally cost more, and I honestly don't know if it will ever hit financial breakeven. In spite of that, I am thrilled with the almost whole house UPS that it provides. When the grid glitches or goes down, the computers, TVs, most lights, and most 120 volt consumers keep going as if nothing happened. We often don't know the power is out until a neighbor calls to ask. Yes, the batteries are expensive. I don't know the going prices, but I do know the system-integrated Enphase batteries are very expensive. I don't know offhand what chemistry they are. Some of the "solar batteries" are lithium cobalt chemistry and I frankly would not want them anywhere near my house. I'm using lithium iron phosphate, which is much much less a fire hazard. Production-wise, the projection they gave you is very much in line with my production, with the 4 kW system producing about 6,000 kWh annually, but another poor comparison because of the geographic separation.
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420Wp panel for around 100EUR
10kw hybrid inverter ~1500EUR
10KWh Batterypack (lifepo4 , LV) ~ 2000-3000EUR

You should tell that this is only the cheap part. He´ll need to spend quitea lot to be on code with wind saftey and fire protection regulation like for the DC cables and battery storage. And he is from florida where you may need to prove that it can withstand +150mph storms and many roofs where not designed to handle a huge pv setup => $$$.

And don´t underestimating the labor costs for the installation for skilled personnel in floria. If you still want a tight roof afterwards and you don't want it to spontaneously combust, you won't get far with 2000 euro.
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If your roof is designed to handle panels how would you solve this ? New roof ? :wtf:

I thought Biden want more green energy. Why put custom duties on most chinese panel manufacturer ?

Here it is now a bit expensiver. Everyone want , so they can ask for more. 2021/22 was really cheap.

Regulatories may differ but material is mostly the same. And it looks like Installers and other companies in US making tons of money out of it.
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If your roof is designed to handle panels how would you solve this ? New roof ? :wtf:

Your contractor has to figure out options. There are enough easier jobs, so every craftsman will currently prefer these or set a high quote. And yes, like in germany they make good money because "everybody" want´s something combined with a huge labor shortage.

And i would not cheap out on the roof with 100$ plastic panels. they won´t withstand the environment in florida for longer then 8-10 years.
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If it helps any here is a link a channel someone posted here on this forum years back. He seems to know a lot about solar. He has lots of vids on his channel.

Thank you for posting.
I spoke with a friend that installed solar on his house here just north of Houston TX back in November. He is an Electrical Engineer and really researched this very hard.

He has 12KW of panels. They are Tesla panels. He also has two Tesla Powerwalls (battery storage). This runs his whole house, including ACs. The total cost (including install) was $50k but is reduced to $35k with the FIT credit.

He stated that Tesla will give a free estimate.

He has the deal with the power company where he sells excess power back to them. It is limited to wholesale prices and there are other stipulations.