Solution to turn on and off Reolink (or any other app) notifications based on GPS location


Young grasshopper
Mar 28, 2024
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I have two of these Tasker scripts that I use (made by a a Ukrainian friend who does code for cheap) to automate certain functions of the Reolink app, but if you know how to use tasker the app can be changed to anything. You will need Tasker, AutoNotification, and some common knowledge of both to install these.

Watch this video before installing to see how it works.

Tasker Project for mobile device that leaves house (i.e. your phone):

This is used to automatically turn on and off the Reolink app notifications when you are within a certain GPS location radius of your house. Also turns on notifications during a schedule (9pm to 7am is default) so when you are at home at night you can be alerted when there is a motion/smart event. The notifications will turn back off again if you are still at home when it becomes morning.
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Tablet Viewstation Tasker Project:
What its for is if you want a central point in your house (like by your alarm keypad) to manage the camera system. The notifications turn on and off automatically though a schedule that you can reconfigure and there is a quick settings toggle to over ride.
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These work by creating rules in the Auto Notification app (required along with Tasker) that essentially block notifications when the quick setting toggle is active. When inactive, the rule is removed and the notifications come through as normal.
None of these touch the doorbell visitor (button push) notifications, it specifically looks for the word "detected" which is what all the other alerts have in common.
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