[Solved] Access IP camera connected (PoE) to NVR

Hello everyone,
I have tried with Windows 10 and IExplorer 11 but still nothing.
@psycowby I installed IEtab but when I try to login in the nvr there is a popup saying "Network Error", I guess it maybe related with CORS cos I think IEtab bounce from my local network to external and trying to connect to my local, but not sure

Anyway I really think that Virtual Host is a missing feature of my NVR model DS-7108NI-Q1, sigh! Hope I am wrong, but so far I have tried everything and still can't make it work.
It's crazy how they stick with only one browser under certain circumstance to control your system. They should give more options.. even the chance to change all those configuration directly on the NVR connected with a screen. On the NVR I can see there are some option missing when I access via browser and viceversa. It's really frustrating, spend money on this system and cannot have full control of it.