You might be able to just replace the fan with a higher quality one. I've replaced a desktop power supply fan before that had froze up. If you have the same NVR as I have it looks like a standard size fan. I'd have to look again to be sure. The fan was hard wired to the power supply instead of a plug so you might have to do some surgery.
Thanks for the info.
Could i just buy a brand new power supply? not just the fan inside the power supply?
I took power supply apart, and took fan out, the fan noise alone makes noise of over 45dba. Qsee should really be ashamed of themselves of approving such a loud power supply.
I'm seriously considering returning my QC8816 from Costco at $1299 + tax for this unit.
Newegg has no tax.
Any reason why I shouldn't?
Cons: Only downside I can see if 3MP, field of view is slightly more narrow, and a max of 8 cameras, can't output to a siren, ext. motion sensor.
Pros: Quite, Save Money.
Update on fan noise.....
Had to replace the power supply fan this week on our Q-See 8816 NVR. It was starting to make noise as the cheap bushings were wearing out.
It's 60mm x60mm and 10mm thick. 12V / .3 A
I replaced it with a 60mm x 60mm 15mm thick fan. Rated at 12V / .12 A
It's a little thicker but fits snug.
Quieter than a desktop PC.
It's a little tricky taking the power supply apart. Test the wire connections first before you solder them.
If you can't find a compatible fan just pull the old one out and connect a fan on the outside of the power supply box and use power from the HD cable.
I also have another external power supply fan pushing air in and powered from an extra HD cable.
Do you have a link to the power supply fan you used for the replacement?