SSD install with windows 7 going bad!


Getting the hang of it
Mar 9, 2014
New Jersey
I replace my Hd with a Samsung ssd 840 evo 250. I installed windows 7 home. started doing all updates and I received this.


I found this in device manger .Don't know if its related

Not sure if its a ssd really failing or something else. motherboard/bios setting?
Trying to give you enough info to help .
Spec on computer
Samsung has a utility that they call "Magician". You can download it from this page

Run the program - and under Disk Drive it will show you the health status. Also have you over provisioned the drive?

I would consider right clicking on those items in device manager and uninstall them. When the computer restarts it should find them again and install the proper drivers for them. (you may have to download the driver from the motherboard manufacturers web site)
Not to hijack the thread but do you know if Magician will allow me to clone my C drive to a new larger (Samsung) SSD?

clonezilla will and its available free with an open license. you will have to burn a cd with the iso image and then boot to the cd, then follow the prompts. typically i backup the old drive to a usb drive, but if you have both drives plugged into the machine you can backup the old drive to the new one and then change the boot order in the bios for the hard drives after.
Not to hijack the thread but do you know if Magician will allow me to clone my C drive to a new larger (Samsung) SSD?


If you go to the link I posted you will find "data migration software" that should do the trick (it's free)
For the record the Samsung data migration software is amazing, it will only work to copy to a Samsung drive but it is VERY fast. The most amazing part? It copies everything while you are still in Windows! It copies, you remove the old drive and then reboot and you are good to go. I've never had a data clone work while still in the OS but it does and I've never had an issue, used it say 40 times now.

I have installed 80 of the Samsung drives now and had zero failures. It looks in your screen shots as if you are missing some chipset drivers, and you are missing the ATA controller driver. I only use Intel products so I'm not sure where you go to get what you need, but that is what you need to install on the machine. I'd check the MB manufacturer and get it there. May have to ensure you have the BIOS set to AHCI or RAID and not IDE mode too as you have to reinstall windows if it was not set that way before the install.
Thanks everyone. I think the orig drive is Samsung too so the Samsung program sounds perfect. I've done it before with acronis but that was a while ago.
I had to download drivers for Mb off there site. Seems to working when I get a chance I will post results of the test using Magician.. I had a question on its performance. The failing drive is another one not the SSD I figured that out.