Known around here
- Sep 25, 2017
- 2,834
- 3,712
However, with substreams being introduced, the CPU% needed to offload video to a GPU is more than the CPU% savings seen by offloading to a GPU. Especially after about 12 cameras, the CPU goes up by using a GPU and hardware acceleration.
Just to clarify for myself and for the OP, (I haven't set my BI server up yet due to other more important financial committments (it is built)), with BI and DS, is it now better NOT to have a GPU than to have a GPU? I have a P620 v2 quaddro but with energy prices in Europe, I'm seriously thinking I'm better off without the extra 50W if there's no gain or even a loss to adding it.
Does a BI / DS combination work as well / better now on CPU alone rendering a quaddro unecessary or are there still advantages to a quaddro that justfy the power draw?