StableBit Drivepool - Poor Performance


Known around here
May 14, 2019
Has anyone else used Stablebit Drivepool? I have run it for well over a year now, and honestly it sucks with BI. I have no idea why, on paper its the perfect pairing, but it just doesn't work well. I'd have all sorts of weird performance issues and recording issues in Blue Iris. I even added SSD's for recording, and still ran into issues when BI would offload the clips from the SSD, to the Drivepool

Because I'm an IT admin, I knew better than all you chumps and didn't take the advice to just have a bunch of separate drives, and have cameras record directly to them :p

I just switched to that setup, all issues went away... I guess you live and learn
What RAID level is Drivepool? If it's some form of parity that may be part of the issue.

I have a setup recording to a RAID 1 array with no issues. Not drivepool though. Just standard and simple MDRAID on Linux.
No RAID level, it handles redundancy (Which I had turned off) by using copies of the file. No parity, so no space savings
I used to run that years ago and I don't remember any problems. Eventually I decided it was better to split some cameras onto one drive and some onto another, and not have them in a pool.

Blue Iris's clip moving capability is a little tricky and not entirely foolproof. You're likely to have problems if you don't have a sufficiently large allocation and free space reserved, for example imagine a continuous recording box where you record 50 GB per hour in 1-hour-long clips. I wouldn't want less than about 300 GB allocated on a single disk, and I would want at least 100 GB or so of unallocated free space in case Blue Iris needed to temporarily consume more than its allocated amount. It is also possible for some kinds of clip database corruption to mess up the automatic clip move/delete logic. I had my main box stuck in a bad state once where it started deleting the newest clips first when the allocation was full. Clips would appear, and a few minutes later, poof, gone. Nothing could fix it except a complete clip database rebuild.
Screen shots
1) Blue iris status (lighting bolt graph,upper left corner) clip storage tab
2) blue Iris status cameras tab