Static IP addresses for cameras


Young grasshopper
May 16, 2017
Reaction score
My internet seems to be having a problem over the past month or so and when it comes back up all my camera IPs change except for one GW security camera which always keeps the same IP address. needless to say that this is the only camera that comes right back up when my internet goes down. Can I make all my cameras static and how do I go about doing this. Do I need to access them from their specific software or can I configure them through their web address? Other than this, all seems well.




Getting comfortable
Nov 24, 2014
Reaction score
Sounds like a router problem. Your router is most likely assigning the ip addresses as your dhcp server. Sounds like it may be rebooting and when it comes back up, it may be assigning different ip addresses at that time. So you may need to repair or replace it. Would be helpful to know what type it is.

Most modern devices allow you to "reserve" ip addresses for your devices via mac address. This will guarantee the same address is assigned. Or you can go into each camera and assign a static ip. Most cameras allow this via the browser login. Some, like Hiks, have software tools (SADP) which can do it pretty quickly. Some don't have the capability so the "reserve" method is the only choice.

If you assign the addresses statically, it's a good idea to stay out of the dhcp range. That will avoid conflicts.