Stop light not working for new camera

Stev Wolf

Young grasshopper
May 7, 2017
I have a purchased a new Hikvision camera from dealer. Dome DS-2CD2145FWD-IS. Im having some issues with it. For some reason it seems to be a real hog on CPU.
While I'm trying to fix that, I have noticed a few things. Its probably just some button some where I have not checked or unchecked.

1. When there is movement on this camera there is a red square around the screen on BI 4.8.63 W32. How can I turn this off (or on for other cameras)

2. When I Click the Stoplight it still shows red around t his New camera. Maybe that's normal as you could use it testing to see if motion is detected but not recording it? But since the other cameras are not doing it I cant tell.

3. When I press the ~ tilda in profiles my cameras show the Rainbow test pattern and go inactive as usual, accept for the New Hikvision camera. It does not go off line and inactive. They are all using the same Profile I created

Well that's it for now.
Thank you for the help.
Ok Well I have resolved the two issues I had.
1. The red box around the camera when recording is normal. Not sure how to turn off or if I want to BUT, the reason I didnt see it on my other cameras is because there was no activity on those cameras. I discovered that when there was activity they also had a red box.

2. The second issue regarding the new camera not going inactive when you press the ~ Tilde on the profiles, is because there is a setting in Schedule tab near bottom say was checked. "[] Continue to display and stream video while inactive " I turn this off and it now goes inactive.
Read the built-in BI help.
Perhaps my search and reading skills fail, but I tried searching for the answers and could not find them at all and got no hits. The software is great but the helps are a bit thin and some cases seem to have little answers, some more or less. I find loging on and posting questions time consuming and tiring frankly Id rather just find them. But cant seem to. I often think its because I dont use the words that the db expects. But after several days of reading the same things over and over, I dont always find them. For example I read a whole bunch of threads on I-Frame. It still didnt seems to answer the questions I had. And after reading other web sites and wikis on I-Frame Im still no closer to the answers. Sometimes we need things explained a little differently as helps for example are often optimized for quick answers by the author who understands much more than I do. Sometimes I find them confusing or cryptic.
And in one case I think ? i read about I frames that the helps were actually wrong. Cant remember where but I think here.
Talking with fellow camera people does help to translate things into a language that the lay person can understand a little more.
Just my thoughts, Im wrong all the time, just ask my wife, boss, kids, government, etc etc.
1. When there is movement on this camera there is a red square around the screen on BI 4.8.63 W32. How can I turn this off (or on for other cameras)
Version 5.0.8 of Jan. 10, 2020 states under "Introduction" ==> "Update Notes":
"....The camera red border when recording is now optional."

Which prompts me to say that you'd really like the many new features and the performance increase of BI version 5 over your version 4. :)
Version 5.0.8 of Jan. 10, 2020 states under "Introduction" ==> "Update Notes":
"....The camera red border when recording is now optional."

Which prompts me to say that you'd really like the many new features and the performance increase of BI version 5 over your version 4. :)
You may be right. However I saw many posts at the time with people having upgrade issues. Sometimes I like to not tinker with what is working, for the thought that new is better. Perhaps I should revisit?
You may be right. However I saw many posts at the time with people having upgrade issues. Sometimes I like to not tinker with what is working, for the thought that new is better. Perhaps I should revisit?
I'm running 5.2.5 x64 of 4/9/20 with no issues, but it lacks, among other features, the use of substreams.
v5.3.2.8 with no issues, here is the setting that I think you would be looking for:
