sunset keeps shifting

ive deleted thatcam, unplugged cam , reconnected cam to nvr, reset, eventually its come to the bottom as added device but red "wrong user name or password" ... options ?
You don’t know or have confused your passwords.

If you truly factory reset it, it WILL assume the NVR password and turn green
i hear u but since other day i just use admin with the simple pw written down & so so so slowly enter it
will push reset now for 30secs again
Log out if the NVR and log back in
When you get a chance, delete the config tool from your computer and never download it again
will do , but
so rebooted nvr , but still similar ,,, grenn icon came up , wanteed p2p said no, it saiinitialised blue cam log screen but pw of nvr still wrong
The pencil Edit button
Note: this box does NOT change the password. It simply tells the NVR what the password is on the camera so they can communicate

If you give it the wrong password, the dot will turn red.

Red Dot= NVR is trying to communicate with camera but the password it thinks is the right one for the camera is wrong
What do you mean is wanted P2P and you said no?

This isnt even part of the discussion - show me
And DO NOT use the fucking Config tool. Trash it and never open it again until the sun burns out
when i eventually get to green ie , the cams gui brings up the p2p issue , i untick it the it flashes up cam is initialised but cam seems to have its own pw
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whats that windows code to list ip stuff , ive got cam in back of modem but it doesnt poss see it
when i eventually get to green ie , the cams gui brings up the p2p issue , i untick it the it flashes up cam is initialised but cam seems to have its own pw
Ok it’s green
When you use the ie icon and go to the cam GUI you are presented with the p2p screen and a second question about updates. Say NO both. This is the “initialization”

So the camera is indeed green, you are able to reach it with the IE icon?
whats that windows code to list ip stuff , ive got cam in back of modem but it doesnt poss see it
No. We’re not going there until you fix the first problem.