Suspects Checking cars Last Night - Reported to LEO.


Known around here
Mar 30, 2015
SF BayArea, USA
I was going thru video or triggers last night before going to bed. I noticed this 9 mins after the fact Wish saw it a bit sooner.

Anyhow there is not much though even if that would have happened, Since Thanks for the great California laws passed by voters.

Its funny when people in Ring/Neighborhood apps are like Police should be arresting them its like what do these people really think police can do with the stupid laws which voters passed :)

Anyhow here is the footage.

I have more cams which has captured them but I think we can already see enough on these LOL.

By the way LEO was here last night reviewing footage with me and I can understand when he said there is not a victim or felony they can charge them with Thanks to California laws :)

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Wow. The problem is you need to wait until they vandalize a property, otherwise they will tell the authorities that were just exercising. Thanks God you have the video
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But check with other residents. For sure they broke into other cars that night.
But check with other residents. For sure they broke into other cars that night.
LOL not really with laws we have in place
California law defines petty theft as the theft of any property with a value of $950 or less. Most petty thefts are charged as misdemeanors, which carry a sentence of up to six months in county jail, a fine of no more than $1,000, or both. Also in California law makes auto burglary victims prove their door was locked.
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Dude, I understand moving away from a job and family and whatnot is a huge undertaking, but given the decline of California and knowing you can make 1/2 of your salary and pay no taxes and still live better, you should seriously consider Fla or TX

Oh and Fl Statute 776.032
Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
Update - I guess finally some hope.

LEO just showed back up tonight and wanted the footage now as these individuals broke into 25+ Cars tonight.
Yea basically if we hurt them in California they then can sue us:(

Sounds like the UK apart from in the UK there's a very goods chance of going to jail as well.

Update - I guess finally some hope.

LEO just showed back up tonight and wanted the footage now as these individuals broke into 25+ Cars tonight.

Hopefully the plates weren't false. They looked very organised and it wouldn't surprise me if at least one was armed.
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Sounds like the UK part from in the UK there's a very goods chance of going to jail as well.

Hopefully the plates weren't false. They looked very organised and it wouldn't surprise me if at least one was armed.

LEO did run the plate when he was here it did not come back stolen and seems to be attached for the right vehicle..
Nobody ever said crooks were smart. With a little luck they'll get nailed.
Video quality is stunning! Especially for an 8 MP at night. Nice work, hopefully LE can get these guys in custody but knowing CA they would be out quick even without bailing out.
Yes definately love the quality. One thing I learned from this forum and specially from @Parley Sensor Size Is very very important in low light situation.