Swann SRNHD-815CAM default IP address


I've also managed to add the swann SRNHD-815CAM to a HikVision NVR. However I cannot get HikVision Live View to display the video. Here are the additional steps I did:

1. From HV (HikVision) Camera view, I chose the last switchport (#8) as the target and see that the IP address will be
2. Use Swann Live Link and connect to the swann camera (on IP and:
a. Change the admin password to be the same admin password on the HV NVR and
b. Change the DHCP IP to static on IP address; subnet mask; gateway Dont worry about DNS IP settings.
3. Unplug the swann camera from the loan PoE switch and plug it directly into the back of the HV NVR unit AND use port #8.
4. Go into HV camera view, click on D8, Custom Add, Edit IP Camera and use:
- Adding method: Manual
- IP address:
- Protocol: ONVIF
- MAnagement Port: 8000
- Channel port: 1
- Transfer Protocol: Auto
- Username: admin
- PAssword: this password must be the same as what you did in step 2a.

HV unit will take a few seconds to connect to the swann camera. If you are successful, you will see an icon for Live View and be able to see videos coming through.

As mentioned earlier, I'm able to get to this stage but wont be able to view the video from the swann camera in HV Live View.

Hope this makes sense.

Anyone able to make the video viewable in HV Live View, please post.
My Swann NVR just died after 16 months. I would like to use these cameras to add to my Hikvision NVR. Try the default ip with no luck at all. Could any one know the default ip address for this camera, Swann SRNHD-815CAM, 3MP. Thanks in advance.

HI, I know this thread is almost two years old , but here is MY camera IP addresses if someone could use in the future. ,, ,
These are the same Swann SRNHD-815CAM POE cameras in this tread.
I have the swann NVR 8-7300 upgraded by firmware to the 8-7400.