Switch presets for different profiles


Aug 24, 2015
Apologies if this has been asked before. But I would like to know how to change a camera preset when a profile is fired.

For example using geofencing a profile fires when I leave the house. When that profile fires say from profile 1 to profile 3 I would like Camera 1 preset to change to preset 2 and then when returning home the Profile 1 is fired by geofencing so the Camera would need to move back to preset 1.

Thank in advance for any help.
On the camera schedule tab, Event Schedule, you can set a scheduled event for a specific profile. Schedule the preset and Select only the profile in which you want to go to that preset. When you change profiles, BI looks back through the event schedules, and finds the latest event to run. If there is only one preset event for a profile then it should go to that preset when that profile is active. The time for the scheduled event should not matter, but I would set it early in the AM.

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I was looking for the same solution. Do I have this correct? The only way to get presets to automatically change based on profiles is if I "Override global schedule for this camera" and configure it in the "event schedule" option?
I was looking for the same solution. Do I have this correct? The only way to get presets to automatically change based on profiles is if I "Override global schedule for this camera" and configure it in the "event schedule" option?
No, you dont need to override the schedule...
Ah thanks! For some reason when I first tried, I couldn't select the event schedule option unless I selected override. User error!