Switch with wifi


Dec 10, 2019
Hi all
I can’t seem to find what I need or I’m messing up the terminology used

- I have a virgin media route
- an exist hardwired Ethernet cable to out buildings
- need to split this cable with a 4 port switch ( hardwired cameras)
- also need it to repeat the existing WiFi - which is too far away from the existing WiFi signal to boost it, I can’t install nothing between the sites

do I need a router to piggie back off of the existing router?

Yes you will need a second router configured as a wireless access point. If you're planning on using the cameras via POE then you will need a wireless router and a separate switch with POE ports. How many outbuildings do you have and how far apart are they? If you need wifi in all of the outbuildings and they are far apart, then you will likely need wireless access points in each building.
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I can’t install nothing between the sites
Even a crude drawing would help.: ;)
  • Show the existing Virgin Media router (in "house" I'm guessing).
  • Show "out buildings"
  • Show where you want to "split with a 4 port switch"
  • Show the "hardwired cameras"
  • Show where the "existing WiFi' is ( from the ex. Virgin Media router, perhaps?)
Is it safe to assume you want to have WiFi in all/each of the "outbuildings"?
No sorry, I just did a google fu to see if they existed. :)
It's OK...I don't want or need one. Besides, I had a pretty good idea what your response would be....:winktongue:
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That'll teach me to read more carefully. :rofl:
Been there, done that.

One day there may be such an animal but as far as I know at this time they are as real as unicorns, leprechauns and a great steak for under $5.
Thanks for the replies, think that’s the only way, add a switch to the cable going out to the outbuilding and then add and AP unit onto that.

I know you can get AP units with wired ports but not the other way around ‍♂️