T22IR-ZAS S3 keeps cutting out for 5 seconds prior to every trigger


Young grasshopper
Apr 29, 2023
North America
T22IR-ZAS S3 (old GUI) using Blue Iris

This camera is set up to record to HDD continuously. It also is set using IVS to trigger intrusion and tripwire (one of each)

There is also an SD card in the camera set to record triggers only.

When this camera triggers, it drops the video feed or connection for approximately 5 seconds prior to the trigger. From a different perspective, you could also say that the trigger is delayed 5 seconds by the video feed cutting out.

Even though I record continuous, I lose those 5 seconds on that camera only.

Looking at the camera's log, the only thing in the log is the login/logout and settings change from using the BI PTZ preset scheduling day/night switch.

The camera is connected to a 5-port 65W Poe+ switch. The other 3 cams connected only use about 8W each.

Any idea why the connection keeps dropping?

I am not doing full time recoding in Bi and i personally don't have any issues with my cameras being recorded to my Bi on events. I do have other capture devices as well so even if Bi was to miss something it would be on my NVR or some other recording platform that I have setup.. As much as I don't like to say it, It might have something to do with what you have your cameras I-Frames setup for. I personally don't change mine from what the company I have my cameras from have setup from factory and don't have any issues with my captures.
However it seems that Bi likes to be setup as 1 for 1 so if your system is setup as 1x, 2x and so on then you would want to setup the iframe as 1x. If your camera is setup for lets say 30 FPS and your Iframes are 60 then you would want to change that to match the 30FPS I-frame 30 as that would be the 1x.. So for most cameras that come with 2x or 60 iframe when your camera is running 30FPS is mainly for better network bandwidth and lowers cameras processing demands that helps keep the camera cooler.. I-Frames of 1x is better for systems like Bi and other 3rd party capture software..

So I am clear, I run my cameras main stream at 22fps and so on a 1x setup in my cameras I would set my i-frames to 22. Wanted to point this out because some people change the fps and the i-frames might stay what they were from the start with. So if for some strange reason your camera is setup for 20fps and your iframe is setup for 60 because it was setup from factory at 30fps then again you would want to change it now to match your current FPS 20fps= 20 i-frames.. Something to try. This is a setting you would want to change in the Cameras WebUI..
Maybe the trigger recording is being written to the SD card and not the BI hard drive?
maybe an Alert setting could buggy, see if changing a recording setting changes anything.
try turning off /changing the IVS and tripwire settings and see if anything changes.
I'm kind of a tinkerer, so i try to figure stuff out by fucking around and Finding out.
Could the camera CPU not have enough horsepower to write to the SD card and run the video output at the same time? Or maybe the SD card and camera aren't compatible? Or simply a firmware bug? I've had a couple of cases where a camera choked on an SD card that worked fine in other cameras.
I'm kind of a tinkerer, so i try to figure stuff out by fucking around and Finding out.
Between buggy software and incomplete documentation, that's often the only way to find the answer.
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So yesterday night I set the camera to continuous record to the SD card, as well as the original BI settings (continuous + triggers).

Lining up the BI recordings (ONVIF IVS events) with the on camera events shows me that the camera IS recording and does not drop the video for the 5 seconds that shows as No Video in BI.

I triggered it twice today.

The camera records to SD continuously splitting into into long clips, but starts a separate clip for the triggered events, ending the trigger clip before starting a new long continuous clip.

The first trigger resulted in the "missing" 5 seconds being seen at the end of the continuous clip just before the trigger clip.

The second trigger resulted in the "missing" 5 seconds being made into their own clip, between the continuous clip and the trigger clip.

The SD card I have in this camera is the same combo as I have elsewhere on the property, although I know there is the risk of one of the SD cards being fake or something.

I will have to tinker to see what I can change.