Set up a dual NIC
All my cams are in a switch and in NIC1
NIC2 goes out to my ISP given mikrotic router
Downloaded tailscale and followed how to set up a subnet
Followed their instructions as well as watched a video
My admin page showed the IP of my PC for both NIC
I did as the instructions said about how to copy/paste
tailscale up --advertise-routes=, and changed the ip address to the BI nic address and the Ethernet IP
phone still is a no
i go through the BI server setup steps putting in my 10 serial numbers, it shows my address on port :81
i try to go there and it still wont let the phone in
if i port forward that will tailscale protect it or not?
the f'in video made it look simple, its just not getting there
All my cams are in a switch and in NIC1
NIC2 goes out to my ISP given mikrotic router
Downloaded tailscale and followed how to set up a subnet
Followed their instructions as well as watched a video
My admin page showed the IP of my PC for both NIC
I did as the instructions said about how to copy/paste
tailscale up --advertise-routes=, and changed the ip address to the BI nic address and the Ethernet IP
phone still is a no
i go through the BI server setup steps putting in my 10 serial numbers, it shows my address on port :81
i try to go there and it still wont let the phone in
if i port forward that will tailscale protect it or not?
the f'in video made it look simple, its just not getting there