Hi everyone,
Now that BI has native deepstack integration... what does everyone think of BI adding in native telegram as a means of sending notifications of alerts (obviously, just confirmed/flagged).
I think this is a great option for seeing alerts REMOTELY without needing to add port forwarding - greatly improves the security of your setup - as with the current setup, if you want to look at all the alerts over a period of time, you need to log into the BI app which requires port forwarding or VPN etc. whereas, if you had telegram integration you can easily view ALL confirmed/flagged images easily.
Thoughts? Would you consider emailing BI support to suggest it? The more who suggest it the more Ken will likely add it.
Now that BI has native deepstack integration... what does everyone think of BI adding in native telegram as a means of sending notifications of alerts (obviously, just confirmed/flagged).
I think this is a great option for seeing alerts REMOTELY without needing to add port forwarding - greatly improves the security of your setup - as with the current setup, if you want to look at all the alerts over a period of time, you need to log into the BI app which requires port forwarding or VPN etc. whereas, if you had telegram integration you can easily view ALL confirmed/flagged images easily.
Thoughts? Would you consider emailing BI support to suggest it? The more who suggest it the more Ken will likely add it.