Temperature Overlay in Dahua Cameras

Josef - the RUT956 datasheet says that it uses the Busybox shell. So if you are comfortable with unix shell scripts and cron then it should be straightforward to follow the advice earlier in this thread, ie: create a shell script that gets the temperature and posts it to the camera's On Screen Data (OSD) using a curl command. Then set up cron to run that script regularly - every minute, or whatever works for you.
Hello Sean!
I don't know how to access the shell on the Teltonika RUT956 because this is first time that I work with a RUT956. Could you help me please?

Best Josef
Hi Joseph - I'm guessing that you are not familiar with the Unix command line interface -- bash ssh, curl and other many other command-line utilities. These are accessed through a terminal emulator, not through a web browser. Adding a temperature display to a Dahua camera might be a good project with which to get up to speed with all this stuff... if that's really what you want to do. There are many, many online tutorials covering ssh, bash etc.

If I'm mistaken and you are comfortable with all this stuff then... based on a very quick look at the RUT956 manual, I think you just need to ssh to the IP address of the router with the user name 'root' and whatever password you configured for the "admin" user.

I'd expect that the Teltonika online community would be a good source of advice: Teltonika Community
