
Oct 16, 2018
Florida, USA
We are having Thanksgiving with our children and grandchildren tomorrow, for whom we are grateful, but this means we won’t have leftover turkey so I cooked a turkey breast for sandwiches on Friday, Saturday and …

I took a couple of baseball steaks, pounded them out and pan fried them with potatoes and onions. I made a milk gravy with some of the drippings from the turkey. Wow!

On a more humble note, we are grateful for our families, friends (including the ones I’ve made here), that we are well fed, and have a roof over our heads.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here on IPCT! Since I'm down with pneumonia we'll be staying home, but there will be deliveries of "care packages" to tide us over. We'll both miss being with family though, mine on Thanksgiving and the Mrs on Sunday, they're all in Long Island.

Above all, enjoy, reflect and give thanks for the bounty we all enjoy.
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Get well sebastiantombs

It will be a big eating day, and a bit of work. It's always a thankful time with Memorial day and Thanksgiving.

We are having turkey with all of the fixings, and of course some of the venison back strap
from one of the 3 deer we will be processing. Butterfly steaks, rare to med rare!

Only bad thing this year, I am still on a 10# max lift after back surgery. :(
But that means some one else will have to do the hard work. :D
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Though it’s recently been difficult emotional times, I’m very thankful for the friends I’ve met here on IPCT. Thanks for putting up with me when I ramble and rant. Truly a good bunch.

@sebastiantombs you take care of yourself and get better soon sir.
Yes, food on the table, roof over our heads, girls and wife are healthy, and my kids have good schools to go to. Yes, lots to be thankful for! Hope you ALL have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I need to get busy and start baking the honey/pineapple ham that I do every year! Be safe.

Sebastiantombs, please take it easy! Bigredfish, you are in my thoughts.
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We've really scaled back this Thanksgiving, it seems we're all running in different directions this year; last year and past years have been more 'normal', next year we hope that will return. But we're very grateful for our health and for what we have, no complaints there...the Lord has blessed us way beyond what we deserve..

I hope everyone reading this has a happy Thanksgiving. Those that are sick at this time (like @sebastiantombs ), I pray for your good health; no time is a good time for being ill. @bigredfish , you're not alone here with regard to ups and downs.....hang in there, man.

When you're down and feel like there's no light at the end of that long tunnel, just log onto IPCT and open up one of @Arjun 's posts..... :lmao:
@sebastiantombs wishing you a speedy recovery
@bigredfish we are here for you, this has to be one of the most connected forums I’ve been on in a while, and I’m grateful for us all being able to look after each other and support one another during these times despite being hundreds of miles away

This year has been a roller coaster both financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally for everybody. I always stress, staying health conscious, financially responsible, and practical will sustain us for the years ahead.
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Thanksgiving Special Dessert in the Funny / Satire Thread of this forum ;) - Cheers
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