The Bank Will Fight You After They Give Your Money to a Scammer : Steve Lehto


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
The Bank Will Fight You After They Give Your Money to a Scammer
Steve Lehto

There's been a few cases in Canada where people have had their identities stolen and then either a) their house is sold without their knowledge or b) a mortgage is taken out against their home.

In either case, the banks fight tooth and nail until the press get involved.

Disgusting behaviour by corporate parasites.
There's been a few cases in Canada where people have had their identities stolen and then either a) their house is sold without their knowledge or b) a mortgage is taken out against their home.

In either case, the banks fight tooth and nail until the press get involved.

Disgusting behaviour by corporate parasites.

The #1 way to help prevent things like this is to freeze your credit report with all three credit reporting agencies so that no one can run a credit check on you unless you do a temporary thaw for a specific period of time. This also helps cut down the amount of junk mail you'll get for unsolicited credit card offers etc.. Always enable two-factor authentication whenever possible for online transactions.'s a pain but in the long run it's for your identity protection.

How to place or lift a freeze on your credit report