The making of a hard working man


Known around here
Aug 11, 2020
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I’ve been asked many times over the years as to my thoughts about where hard working people come from?!? In my mind it starts when you’re very young.

Your parents give you chores . . .

It doesn’t matter if it’s making your bed, sweeping the floor, cutting the grass, doing the laundry, cleaning the toilet, washing dishes.

These small tasks show what you’re capable of - or not. Shows you can take on responsibility and complete a task unsupervised - or not.

At the end of the day your work reflects you and your efforts!

Below is a short video of two young lads that not only show hard work but gumption to be a entrepreneur to make easy money!

It’s safe to say no one needs to worry about them being successful or with their hand out looking for a free ride.

You want something?!? Go work for it, like these kids did!



Known around here
Nov 1, 2014
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I am snorting my drink when they are discussing about one boy being short and when he buy a car it'll need to be a "short" car. The boy's acknowledged that he's short by saying that "Lamborghini is good for him cuz Lamborghini is "short" while making a short gestures with his hand.

That's a boy who know hard work get you something and not denying facts like him being short get you ahead in life.

:p :p :p :p


Known around here
Aug 11, 2020
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The best part was when one of them said Can we come back tomorrow :lmao: I don't pretend to know how much snow there was to be removed. But, just our location received more snow than the last 50 years so they say. Having been out on the drive way, back yard, side of house for the last six months.

I can absolutely relate to Can we come back tomorrow . . . :thumb: :rofl:

These boys are the epitome of give me a hand up - not a hand out.

As they will work toward a goal and succeed and seize the moment of opportunity and see the world as a choice, opportunity, and challenge to push forward and succeed.

Hope very much these kids see this video and are able to go back 30 years from now and say *Yeah, my first job was shoveling snow for rich people. Now I am one of them because of the hard work and looking to succeed in life.
Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
Yes I remember doing the same. One storm was so bad that the snow was very deep, like 3 feet and it was wet. Then the plows came and covered sidewalks even deeper with hardened snow. I had done a few houses where they gave me like $2 to do their sidewalk and walkway up to the stairs and the stairs. These were all houses that were not corner lots. So at about noon I went to this house on the corner and she said I could do her house. It took me all afternoon. I was really dead afterwards. She was so happy on how good a job I had done, she made a big deal about giving me 25 cents! I learned my lesson about agreeing to the price before hand.