They just tried to assassinate Trump

From the hearing

The man said to be on the water tower was a friendly. A PA Sniper. One of the PA Snipers got a shot off at Crook but it wasn't the kill shot. This accounts for 1 of the 3 different bullets accounted for during the investigation. That PA Sniper is now on administrative leave pending investigation. The 2nd PA Sniper didn't shoot.
SS Director is in FULL BLOWN CYA mode.

She hasnt answered a single direct question

The US Government was directly responsible for the attempted assassination of a Presidential Candidate

We'll be wondering about the details/truth in 60 years just like JFK
SS Director is in FULL BLOWN CYA mode.

She hasnt answered a single direct question

The US Government was directly responsible for the attempted assassination of a Presidential Candidate

We'll be wondering about the details/truth in 60 years just like JFK
Thank God, they missed, unlike blowing JFK's head into dozens of pieces...
SS Director is in FULL BLOWN CYA mode.

She hasnt answered a single direct question

The US Government was directly responsible for the attempted assassination of a Presidential Candidate

We'll be wondering about the details/truth in 60 years just like JFK

Her life could be in danger, if she tells all she could be disappeared.
She said she hopes to have a preliminary report in about 60 days....

This filthy bitch is part of the coverup. She's dirty
After sessions just asked cheatle about whether there were failures, I'm guessing it was the chair asked for a timeline for her to give answers. She said internal review is 60 days, then external review starts...Clown show...
Don't expect any accountability until after the election, if ever...
We just watched the Secret Service Director refuse to answer whether Trump’s shooter was acting alone
She said they should “ask the FBI”

That’s DC legalese for “no he was not acting alone but I can’t say that”
REP. FALLON TO CHEATLE: "Go back to guarding Doritos"
