Did it look like this? I have two sets of the sixpac's, one is still unopened in the original packaging. Juice up your 8088 or 286 with these add on's.
Sadly HP released the hp 35 only 7 years later, which has all scientific functions in small case. this was the end of friden.
there are other cool calculators... just look up "tube calculator"
Did it look like this? I have two sets of the sixpac's, one is still unopened in the original packaging. Juice up your 8088 or 286 with these add on's.
I wasn’t aware of this device before you posted it. Thanks for sharing it was a nice read.
When I sit back to where man started to where we are now. Just think the cheapest smart phone can do and offer all of us incredible tools and methods to communicate!
Imagine if we could send back a smart phone to the ancient pyramid days?!?
The temples would never get built as they all would be playing donkey Kong / making tik tok videos!
On a more serious note this whole chip shortage is getting out of hand. I can’t say whether it’s due to factories seeing personnel being sick vs what others have said is plain hoarding.
It’s probably a combination of both along with some industries just slow rolling (blue flu) to let the demand rise to increase their profits.
We all saw this with timber where common 2 X 4 were easily 2-4 times more expensive because factories just cut down production!!
Now there’s a glut of wood products in the system and prices have either gone back to pre bull shit prices or have dropped lower.
Been reading about how lots of people are waiting months for appliances that span fridges, stoves, dishwasher etc. It’s funny because (not really) the vast majority of these appliances don’t have very many IC ‘s when you compare to say a A/V system??
Yet TV, Stereo, what ever are flying off the shelf and these makers have no problem getting these chips or IC etc? I could understand if it was some very specific IC but people are saying this problem covers old to new IC tech ??
I’m having a really hard time believing that’s the case vs people are just gaming the system to push up prices for the same.
Commodore 64 for me. I think I was in middle school at the time. We started out with the tape drive, but eventually got the disk drive and then some sort of cartridge ROM thing. Oh, and the dot matrix printer too. It was like watching an automated typewriter.
I learned to program code (very basic code) on that thing.