This is harder than it should be

No you are not good. P2P has no impact. They was a side thing.
For onvif to work and find inspect to work you need it enabled in the camera.

10-4 Fenderman.. I misread your comment.. P2P disabled.. I will reach out to Nellys to see if they can get me the last mile home...

Thanks for all of you awesome guys!
Upon inspection, BI returns the following:

Opening port 80...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
HTTP 12152
Checking for common cameras...
Foscam FI86xx/98xx compatible?
Foscam FI89xx compatible?
Foscam FI9821 V2 compatible?
Foscam FI9821 media port compatible?
Cantonk port 34567?
RTSP port open?
RTSP port detected!