This is what you get when customer wants to save a few bucks.

Robert hocevar

Getting comfortable
Dec 6, 2016
In the beginning of the summer I was hired by a property manager to install systems in 4 of his newly acquired apartment complex in lovely east Cleveland Oh. After the 4 systems were installed he had 2 more apartments he wanted done. so I give him a quote and he wanted me to drop the price by about 4 grand. I would not budge from my price. anyhow, he found someone else to install the white owl system for him. He was told it was a IP system. I looked in the lock box for the recorder. he points out the cat 5 cable and says thats for Ip cameras. Then I pointed out the baluns and said no ip here. so the guy got beat at his own game. hired some hood rats to do the install and he ends up getting fucked. Now he wants me to make it right! I sent him the same quote. he said well you dont have to run wire because its already in place. I pointed out that they used copper clad aluminum wire probably from ebay and I will not use it so I need to run new. we will see where this goes. I have a feeling we will be installing in the near future for this company. for your viewing pleasure I took a pic of this EMT conduit run that goes from one apartment to the office which is next door. if your gonna use EMT at least use compression fittings for outside use. and they buried the conduit in a trench they dug out with a screw driver. guarantee that the buried pipe will be crushed after a million people walk on it. this is were all the crack heads, crack whores, and people running from police use as a cut through. it'sa great neighborhood!


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The problem is….it’s not an IP recorder. And with Nightowl they trap you into a narrow camera selection.
you wont have varifocal lenses, you wont have shutter speed adjustments ,,,,,yada yada Blah.
Night Owl also locks the NVR to their cloud crap.
I recently replaced a poorly installed NightOwl system that was only a year old, with a Dahua HDCVI Pentabred NVR and matching cams from @EMPIRETECANDY . Didn't cost much more than the crap Nightowl, but is eon's more useful, and still didn't break the bank. It's been rock solid for a few months now. I reused the crappy NightOwl cables, without any issue.
In the beginning of the summer I was hired by a property manager to install systems in 4 of his newly acquired apartment complex in lovely east Cleveland Oh. After the 4 systems were installed he had 2 more apartments he wanted done. so I give him a quote and he wanted me to drop the price by about 4 grand. I would not budge from my price. anyhow, he found someone else to install the white owl system for him. He was told it was a IP system. I looked in the lock box for the recorder. he points out the cat 5 cable and says thats for Ip cameras. Then I pointed out the baluns and said no ip here. so the guy got beat at his own game. hired some hood rats to do the install and he ends up getting fucked. Now he wants me to make it right! I sent him the same quote. he said well you dont have to run wire because its already in place. I pointed out that they used copper clad aluminum wire probably from ebay and I will not use it so I need to run new. we will see where this goes. I have a feeling we will be installing in the near future for this company. for your viewing pleasure I took a pic of this EMT conduit run that goes from one apartment to the office which is next door. if your gonna use EMT at least use compression fittings for outside use. and they buried the conduit in a trench they dug out with a screw driver. guarantee that the buried pipe will be crushed after a million people walk on it. this is were all the crack heads, crack whores, and people running from police use as a cut through. it'sa great neighborhood!
You are a bigger man than me. I would have sent him a new quote including labor to remove the mess the guy before me left behind.
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