I drive a lot and so the increased fuel prices have hit me hard. I put $145 of diesel in my pickup and then $100 in my wife's Mercedes. We have watched the left demonize the right and compare them to every vile leftist seen in this video. As far as fuel prices, Buttigieg (among many others) said, "Let them drive Teslas". One of the things that Hitler did to buy off the masses was to develop the "peoples car", Volkswagen. A car so inexpensive that everybody could own one. With the current green new deal, and the high fuel prices, how long before someone on the left suggests that the government spearhead an American Volkswagen. An electric car so inexpensive everybody can own one. This would solve our energy crisis and make America green. I see a lot of parallels between the current democrats and the Nazis. Good clip!
" .. they're all trying to just defend socialism and so they do not want to look at what Hitler said because they do not want to see the reflection in the mirror and as a result of that we now have a bunch of historians .. who are trying to deny and dismiss and ignore what was actually happening .. so their get out of jail free card is Hitler was a madman .. Hitler was evil .. but it made sense if you accept race and a few other concepts .. it actually does kind of make sense .. which is why the left these days especially the critical race theorists are rapidly coming to the same conclusions .. why? .. because if you believe in race and you believe that it's skin color or it's arianism or whatever it is and then you follow you connect the dots and follow the logic you will actually end up exactly where Hitler ended up .. if you look at what Hitler said it is not too far off what the left is saying today .. "
Rainer Zitelmann's "Hitler's National Socialism" is a republishing of his original "Hitler: The Policies of Seduction" which I've been recommending for years
The BEST book I've EVER read on Hitler and National Socialism
No the Nazi's were NOT right wing, they were left wing progressives.
The left in the USA is expert at re-writing history to fit their agenda. They would eagerly tell their base that Thomas Sowell is just another "Black Face of White Supremacy" so as to discredit him.