Time Lapse Recording ? BI5


Known around here
Mar 30, 2015
SF BayArea, USA
Hi, So Currently My footage for the camera are recording 5 min clips 24/7 recording.

I would like to make some time lapse video using 12 hr of footage. What is the easiest way on blue iris to do this for existing recording which again are all 5 min splits .. ?
Hi, So Currently My footage for the camera are recording 5 min clips 24/7 recording.

I would like to make some time lapse video using 12 hr of footage. What is the easiest way on blue iris to do this for existing recording which again are all 5 min splits .. ?
Try "camera "properties", "record" tab, "video" setting to "Periodic", select interval between record and duration of record.

See pages 58-60 of BI5 Help, attached.


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You could have the system "cascade" the files to a different folder and use the "Queue for convert/export" feature to timelapse them, like this example where I arrange for the clips to be converted in timelapse and saved to a different folder, then trigger the work by limiting the source folder's size or age limit. Note that if there's an audio track, you'll have to uncheck the Audio checkbox to use timelapse.
