Time Lapse Recording


Getting the hang of it
Dec 25, 2014
We have to duplicate a cam for creating a separeted time lapse video?

What settings would you guys recommend for time lapse of a garden? I think that would be better to capture only 1 frame/hour for daytime hours only.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

There are several ways to create a time lapse. If you just want to capture a bunch of images that you will later combine into a timelapse video on your own, you can use the post tab in the camera. Post it to a target folder, and set it to post every X seconds depending on how often you want.
However, blue iris can create a time lapse video for you. As you suggested clone the camera and use the alt/timelapse option in the record tab (the max between shots is 5 minuets though)...Set it to combine and cut each 3000 hours or however long you want the video to be....
Ok, I'm recording time lapse setting on 2 cameras at 3000000000 [5.00 min] for 2 weeks. How can I play the full video from the first day?
I'm about to do this with one of my cams. I figure 24 FPS, so if I do every 4 hours I'm at 3 days/second, or right on two minutes for an entire year.

If I could be bothered (currently cannot be) I would put something in place to exempt hours that fall over the night.
What do you mean by "2 cameras at 3000000000 "

That's the setting at Camera Properties > Record > Options > Alt/Timelapse framerate. I have 2 cameras with the same settings, and I would like to play all recorded timelapse of each one of them, from the first day. How accomplish that?
That's the setting at Camera Properties > Record > Options > Alt/Timelapse framerate. I have 2 cameras with the same settings, and I would like to play all recorded timelapse of each one of them, from the first day. How accomplish that?
What is your combine and cut set to? you should be able to play the clip and watch it...
Combine or cut each 8 hrs, 4.5GB, which is the default. Profile is set to record only at daytime.
If I set it differently it will rearrange all previous clips for that camera?
Whats the recommendation here? No Cut/Combine by time, only by size? And for the previous clips, how play them all in sequence from the beggining?
I would do it by time and size, just set the time really long -a month or more...
If I set it to 0 Hours and 0 minutes it will combine all clips in one file until the specified size is reached?

Edit: tested, does not seem to work like this. I want a really long timelapse, years, just a few frames per day.
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I've tried some combinations and it doesn't work. It creates a video file per day, and I want it to keep combining every day for a year. Is this possible?

You will never get a file that is a year long, because every time you update or reboot your system, it will close the file...is the file always exactly 24 hours long? what is the size of the file after 24 hours?
Here is a list of the recent files for the timelapse camera.

Ufront_TimeLapse.20150104_153630.bvr 234 KB
Ufront_TimeLapse.20150104_161307.bvr 283 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150104_161912.bvr 228 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150104_162716.bvr 230 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150104_163949.bvr 239 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150104_164140.bvr 227 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150104_164518.bvr 227 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150104_164654.bvr 954 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150105_070001.bvr 914 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150105_080000.bvr 3 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150105_105620.bvr 6 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150105_160000.bvr 3 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150106_070001.bvr 1 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150106_080000.bvr 9 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150106_160000.bvr 3 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150107_070001.bvr 1 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150107_080000.bvr 2 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150107_093037.bvr 790 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150107_101044.bvr 5 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150107_151720.bvr 282 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150107_152404.bvr 270 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150107_152803.bvr 348 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150107_153318.bvr 291 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150107_153808.bvr 3 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150108_070001.bvr 12 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150108_175633.bvr 220 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150108_175713.bvr 219 KB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150109_070001.bvr 13 MB
UFront_TimeLapse.20150110_070001.bvr 9 MB

There's a way to join bvr video files, or force/apply the "Combine" operation? This is needed for a timelapse video that takes a long time to make, like weeks or even years. The way it is, we have to manually open a file per each day recorded.
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I did kindof the same thing... I wanted a timelapse created about 5 times a day, but not 5 different movies... So, I posted a image to a folder (I do one every 20 seconds as I am looking for nice fast cloud movement) and then I made a windows Batch file with the following code. I run the batch file right before I run ffmpeg to create the movie. (I actually have these set as windows Scheduled tasks, so at 7,9,12,3,6,and 9 a movie is created and uploaded automatically to my webpage for weather.

I set the images to be named "SkyCam%h%m%s" so the order of the name is also a proper order of the files.

The cd at the beginning just points to the folder that I have the pictures from BI post to. The code is smart enough to know if it already renamed the files. I had to rename them as ffmpeg needs a linear number system in the name to properly be able to know the order of the images... it has to be 1,2,3, not 3,5,7.

cd /D D:\Blue Iris\SkyCamPics
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "index=0000"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a-d /b *.jpg^|findstr /rxc:"......[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\.jpg"') do (
  set "name=%%~na"
  if "!name:~-4!" gtr "!index!" set "index=!name:~-4!"

set /a i=1%index%
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a-d /b *.jpg^|findstr /rxvc:"......[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\.jpg"') do (
  set /a i+=1
  set "name=%%~na"
  ren "%%~a" "!name:~,6!!i:~-4!%%~xa"

Once the images are renamed I then had another batch file that would have ffmpeg (free software) that creates the mp4

cd /D D:\Blue Iris\SkyCamPics
ffmpeg -i SkyCam%%04d.JPG -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1800k SkyCamToday.mp4 -y

There is a lot of information on the web on how to do the command line, and I would be happy to assist you if you need it.

This way you can make a new movie that will take you from your first image of the season to the latest whenever you want a new movie!

If you are interested in seeing the timelapses I am creating, just go to Old Pump Weather
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Hey Phlerb,

That sounds right. Could you please share an image of the Recording tab from Cam Properties?

You're using an exclusive folder for it?

Well, I no longer use the record tab, but the Post tab... I had Video set to Continuous and alt/timelapse framerate set to either 30 seconds or 1 minute...



  • PostScreen.jpg
    67.3 KB · Views: 518
  • Record Screen.jpg
    Record Screen.jpg
    95.5 KB · Views: 507
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Thank you for all the info, Phlerb!

You have put a lot of effort on it. BI could have another approach for TimeLapse, avoiding a lot of workarounds.

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