Again, only you can decide that.
My front porch has two sets of lights. Coach lights and pot lights. They each have a switch at the front door. I replaced the switch with auto-timers that adjust for the daily change in the rise and setting of the sun. They come on automatically and shut off the same. No one ever touches those switches since there is no reason to. The only time I have had them turn off was during power outages. And only a few of those outages were at night. So even though my BI server and POE switches are on UPS and last about 30 minutes, those cams will not have good color video. Some will switch to IR as I have them set that way. For the very few times that has happened in the last two years, I do not worry about it.
I have multiple cams that cover the front of the house. That includes the driveway. I do not expect one cam to do everything. Each has a job and was chosen for its functionality to perform that job. It has been my experience that the front door is the main access point for perps getting into the type of house we live in, either for burglary or home invasion. So along the front of my house I have a total of 11 cams, not including the LPR cams. I have 4 cams around the front door. I have two cams that look along the front of the porch. I have three cams that cover the driveway and another that gives a view of the driveway. If you come in through the front door, or the windows on the front porch, or hit my car on the driveway, I have you on multiple cams. One of them should be able to give me a good shot of you.
You can't have a 100% error free system. It is up to you to decide what is important and what jobs you expect your system to perform.
Agreed. I plan to order a shelly 1 for the rocker switch that is there now and implement it into a similar plan that can adjust accordingly with the rising/setting sun and adjust on its own. Color there is key.
While I will likely never get to the point of 11 cameras at the front of the house, breakdowns like this are useful to making decisions to adding another or simply explaining something to my wife. So, can you speak to some of the decisions you have made, both camera specific (job and function) and positioning? Not sure if this thread is the right place or not, but hearing a story like this camera, to the lower left of my front door does x and this does y can help drive my implementation.
My front door (first camera) was a 5442, It is a good camera, but in this spot I do wonder if it was the specifically right camera here. While I am not sure what will replace it, if anything, I do know I will want 1-2, 5442 at the front of the driveway, so either way, it will not be wasted.