Trigger configuration per PTZ preset possible?


Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
A question occurred to me while I was adjusting a PTZ preset.
If you choose a ptz preset in the BI console and go to trigger tab, then configure.
You will see the Active zone map below with something like "\PTZ\Presets\8" (in my case for this particular preset).
Does that mean that whatever I configure under the sensitivity, object detection and editing zones/hotspots are specific for that preset?
If this is true then after many years of BI use I'd kick myself for not realizing that much sooner.
Can someone confirm this?


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
You can configure motion zones maps for each preset; however, you cannot configure the sensitivity, make time, object detection, etc., specific for that preset... Thus, the settings on the ‘Motion sensor’ tab are universal... A number of us have requested that Ken consider making this possible, but it’s apparently never been a priority.


When the camera is not at a preset with its own motion zone map, the ‘Motion sensor’ tab will show something like ‘Active zone map: ‘\Motion\4’. This references the registry key path that stores the active motion zones map.

When the camera is positioned at a preset with its own ENABLED motion zone map, the ‘Motion sensor’ tab will show ‘Active zone map: ‘\PTZ\Presets\2’. This also references the registry key path that stores the active motion zones map.

Screenshot #1 shows the motion registry entries (for profile 5** in this case). Note that it contains keys for settings for the motion zones maps (maskbits_wxh), PLUS the make time, objmovepixels, etc.

Screenshot #2 shows the preset’s registry entries… note that is contains keys for only for the motion zones maps.

** This may look like a typo, but it is not. For legacy reasons, Blue Iris motion settings are stored in the registry as follows: profile 1 in registry key path ‘\Motion\’, profile 2 in key path ‘\Motion\1’, etc.


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