Turrets with 1/1.8 sensor?


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Active deterrence is good for scaring people but be aware the flashing lights affect the picture quality as the picture becomes tainted with red and blue strobe light degrading the picture quality of the offender,. LIke many things, it's balancing picture vs other effects such as deterrence. From memory, I think you can delay the alarm function so this is what I would do if you go that route. Add in a delay, capture a good c,ose up shot in effect and then have the alarm / effects trigger. The danger is if eg protecting a car, the alarm might trigger too late if it's a quick snatch and grab. If you have oher cameras covering the same area that capture a close up picture of anyone in that area, then it's less of an issue to have an ealy trigger. In any event, I believe if I remembering correctly (long time since I had my hands on an AD camera, the delays are user selectable enabling you to balance out the risk vs gain with the picture.