Two Cameras Both Different Brands One APP?

OK Kirstin, My Apologizes, We Assume things sometimes. Here is why I Jumped to conclusion. I Followed your link in post #1 to the Cameras (4Pack) on Amazon.
There I saw a video review from somebody Named Kirstin, also from Thomasville (Can you believe it?) who also,bought the same set of cams. Her Video review was pretty Good. In Her review she said she purchased hers. I really thought it was one in the same person. Sometimes people will take free stuff from Amazon Vendors in Favor of a 5 star Review and gain the trust of suckers like me who are likely to believe them and purchase it. I know you mentioned you got them for free and like to do Video reviews so "Again" I jumped to conclusion, Same name, Same set of cams and same Town. That is true coincidence;) Accept my sincere apology and I hope you get your Cams to work together. Welcome to the Form
It ok, I get it now.