I've tried this and its seems still not working, from the apps side, its working if all the OP ruleset disabled. I guess I should try again with different rulesetInteresting question and why it doesn't work. There are couple of "schools" on how to implement the firewall on an Edgerouter, either you put it on WAN_OUT, or on the "local"_(vlan)_OUT. I opted for the latter:
Code:rule 40 { action accept description "Allow TCP/2195" destination { port 2195 } log disable protocol tcp source { group { network-group IPC_catcamstarvlan } } }
If you are unsure what is happening: enable "LOG DEFAULT" in the EdgeMAX web browser, and then "tail -f /var/log/messages", and you'll see which IP/Port/Destination gets "blocked".
Good luck!
its working now if I put in restricted_lan_in at first rule, thanks